Senin, 02 Mei 2011



Chili Striaton City Gym Leader: Chili
Speciality: Fire
Lillipup Normal Bite Level 12 Vital Spirit No Item
Work Up
Pansear Fire Incinerate Level 14 Gluttony No Item
Work Up
Trio Badge:Allows use of HM01 - Cut outside of battle; all Pokemon up to level 20 obey.
TM83:Work Up - Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage each.

Cilan Striaton City Gym Leader: Cilan
Speciality: Grass
Lillipup Normal Bite Level 12 Vital Spirit No Item
Work Up
Pansage Grass Vine Whip Level 14 Gluttony No Item
Work Up
Trio Badge:Allows use of HM01 - Cut outside of battle; all Pokemon up to level 20 obey.
TM83:Work Up - Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage each.

Cress Striaton City Gym Leader: Cress
Speciality: Water
Lillipup Normal Bite Level 12 Vital Spirit No Item
Work Up
Panpour Water Water Gun Level 14 Gluttony No Item
Work Up
Trio Badge:Allows use of HM01 - Cut outside of battle; all Pokemon up to level 20 obey.
TM83:Work Up - Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage each.

Lenora Nacrene City Gym Leader: Lenora
Speciality: Normal
Herdier Normal Take Down Level 18 Intimidate No Item
Watchog Normal Leer Level 20 Illuminate No Item
Basic Badge:All Pokemon up to level 30 obey.
TM67:Retaliate - Base power increases by 50% if a teammate has been knocked out this turn.

Burgh Castelia City Gym Leader: Burgh
Speciality: Bug
Whirlipede Bug/Poison Poison Tail Level 21 Poison Point No Item
Struggle Bug
Dwebble Bug/Rock Smack Down Level 21 Sturdy No Item
Struggle Bug
Faint Attack
Leavanny Bug/Grass Razor Leaf Level 23 Swarm No Item
Struggle Bug
String Shot
Insect Badge:All Pokemon up to level 40 obey.
TM76:Struggle Bug - Lowers the target's Special Attack by 1 stage.

Elesa Nimbasa City Gym Leader: Elesa
Speciality: Electric
Emolga Electric/Flying Pursuit Level 25 Static No Item
Quick Attack
Volt Switch
Aerial Ace
Emolga Electric/Flying Pursuit Level 25 Static No Item
Quick Attack
Volt Switch
Aerial Ace
Zebstrika Electric Quick Attack Level 27 Lightning Rod No Item
Volt Switch
Flame Charge
Bolt Badge:Allows use of HM04 - Strength outside of battle; all Pokemon up to level 50 obey.
TM72:Volt Switch - The user switches out after use, even if it is currently trapped by another Pokemon. If the replacement Pokemon knows this move and is holding Choice Band, Choice Lens or Choice Scarf, it will be locked into the move, though Pokemon holding those items who don't know the move can select their attack as normal. When a faster Pokemon uses Pursuit against a Pokemon who uses this move, the latter is hit for normal damage; when a slower Pokemon uses Pursuit against a move who uses this move, the latter makes its attack, then is hit by Pursuit for double power, and switches out. If this move is used against a Ground-type Pokemon, the switching effect does not occur.

Clay Driftveil City Gym Leader: Clay
Speciality: Ground
Krokorok Dark/Ground Crunch Level 29 Intimidate No Item
Palpitoad Water/Ground Muddy Water Level 29 Swift Swim No Item
Aqua Ring
Excadrill Ground/Steel Slash Level 31 Sand Rush No Item
Rock Slide
Hone Claws
Quake Badge:Allows use of HM02 - Fly outside of battle; all Pokemon up to level 60 obey.
TM78:Bulldoze - Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. (Received on Route 6 after battle.)

Skyla Mistralton City Gym Leader: Skyla
Speciality: Flying
Swoobat Psychic/Flying Heart Stamp Level 33 Unaware No Item
Unfezant Normal/Flying Quick Attack Level 33 Big Pecks No Item
Air Slash
Razor Wind
Swanna Water/Flying Aqua Ring Level 35 Keen Eye No Item
Aerial Ace
Air Slash
Jet Badge:Allows use of HM03 - Surf outside of battle; all Pokemon up to level 70 obey.
TM62:Acrobatics - Doubles in power if the user is not holding an item. The user can hit any opponent with this move in a Triple Battle.

Brycen Icirrus City Gym Leader: Brycen
Speciality: Ice
Vanillish Ice Mirror Shot Level 37 Ice Body No Item
Acid Armor
Frost Breath
Cryogonal Ice Reflect Level 37 Levitate No Item
Aurora Beam
Frost Breath
Rapid Spin
Beartic Ice Slash Level 39 Snow Cloak No Item
Icicle Crash
Freeze Badge:Allows use of HM05 - Waterfall outisde of battle; all Pokemon up to level 80 obey.
TM79:Frost Breath - This move always lands as a critical hit.

Drayden Opelucid City Gym Leader: Drayden
Speciality: Dragon
Fraxure Dragon Dragon Dance Level 41 Rivalry No Item
Dragon Rage
Dragon Tail
Druddigon Dragon Chip Away Level 41 Rough Skin No Item
Dragon Tail
Night Slash
Haxorus Dragon Dragon Dance Level 43 Rivalry No Item
Dragon Tail
Legend Badge:Allows use of HM06 - Dive outside of battle; all Pokemon obey.
TM82:Dragon Tail - This move usually goes last. When it hits, the target is forced to switch out.

Iris Opelucid City Gym Leader: Iris
Speciality: Dragon
Fraxure Dragon Dragon Dance Level 41 Rivalry No Item
Dragon Rage
Dragon Tail
Druddigon Dragon Chip Away Level 41 Rough Skin No Item
Dragon Tail
Night Slash
Haxorus Dragon Dragon Dance Level 43 Rivalry No Item
Dragon Tail
Legend Badge:Allows use of HM06 - Dive outside of battle; all Pokemon obey.
TM82:Dragon Tail - This move usually goes last. When it hits, the target is forced to switch out.

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