Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Walkthrough Pokemon Black English Version Part 1


Welcome to Black and White Versions, the beginning of the fifth Generation of Pokemon. While many things have changed from previous games, we begin the same way as usual. Juniper, the Professor of the Unova Region, will give players a short introduction to the world of Pokemon with her Minccino. After this, you are asked to select and name your character. Juniper will finally introduce two friends of your character, Cheren and Bianca, as you will all begin your journeys simultaneously. Finally, the game begins in a season based on the current real-life month: Spring in January, May or September; Summer in February, June or October; Autumn in March, July or November; and Winter in April, August or December.
Nuvema Town
After a wide shot of Professor Juniper entering and leaving your house, the game cuts to your character and Cheren, a studious and cold boy, inside. Bianca, a flighty but outgoing girl, will come in shortly after and they'll allow you to pick your Starter Pokemon first. Bianca will go next, selecting the Starter that is weak against your own, leaving Cheren to select the Starter that is strong against your own.
Snivy, Servine and Serperior

The snake-based Grass Starter, Snivy, evolves into Servine at Level 17 and Serperior at Level 36. Serperior has the worst HP, Attack and Special Attack of the trio's final evolutions, but does have the best Defense, Special Defense and Speed, which is an unusual combination of stats. Serperior likely has the smallest movepool and the least useful typing for getting through the game, so it's not recommended for newcomers to the series. Snivy's line is meant to represent western countries.
Tepig, Pignite and Emboar

The pig-based Fire Starter, Tepig, evolves into Pignite at Level 17 and then Emboar at Level 36. Emboar has the worst Defense, Special Defense and Speed of the trio's final evolutions, but it does have the best HP, Attack and Special Attack. As the offense-oriented choice, it learns several heavy-hitting moves such as Flare Blitz and Head Smash and likely has the best movepool of the three. Tepig, who has a Chinese-inspired design, becomes a Fire/Fighting-type upon evolution, rather than staying a pure Fire-type.
Oshawott, Dewott and Samurott

The otter-based Water Starter, Oshawott, evolves into Dewott at Level 17 and then Samurott at Level 36. Oshawott is the middle-of-the-road choice of the Unova Starters, as Samurott is not the best nor the worst of the three in any of the six stats. Samurott is likely the most practical of the three for playing through the game, as it can learn all three of the Water-type HMs, while the others cannot. By its third stage, Oshawott takes on the appearance of a sea lion with Japanese influences.
After selecting your Pokemon, Bianca and Cheren will naturally want to battle. You'll first fight Bianca; after defeating her, Cheren will heal your Pokemon and challenge you himself. No matter what Starter you've all picked, the Pokemon are Level 5 with Tackle, which now has 50 Power and 100% accuracy, and a move that drops the target's Defense. (Snivy has Leer while Tepig and Oshawott have Tail Whip, but they have the same effect.) The strategy to beat both Bianca and Cheren is to keep using Tackle; they will both waste time using Leer/Tail Whip, allowing you to take the lead and defeat their Pokemon. You'll receive $500 for defeating each and, if you defeat both, your Starter hits Level 6.
Your bedroom is wrecked from the battles, but go downstairs to see your friends apologizing to your Mom before leaving. Your Mom heals your Pokemon, gives you the Xtransceiver key item, which is this game's Phone, and tells you to go to Juniper's Lab while she cleans your room. When you exit your house, you'll see Pidove fly away during the day or Woobat flying around at night. If you try to leave north, Cheren won't let you pass, so peak into the southwestern house to see Bianca's father refusing to let her become a Pokemon Trainer. She'll glaze over his behavior to you and leave for the Lab, so follow her there and talk to Cheren to enter.
Inside, Juniper explains that her work as a Pokemon Professor is to research when Pokemon came into existence, and then she'll let you name your Starter. She further notes that the reason she's called the three of you here is to help her complete the Unova Pokemon, which she gives to you if you agree to help her! She'll offer to teach you how to catch Pokemon and leave for Route 1, while Bianca reasons that it's okay for her to go because, in addition to Juniper asking, it'll help Bianca decide what she wants to do in her life. When you exit the Lab, your Mom will give you the Town Map key item, which you can open to view the layout of the Unova Region, so go northeast into Route 1 after that.
Route 1
Route 1 Wild Pokemon
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Watchog (Lv 32 - 35) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter36%
Herdier (Lv 32 - 34) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter39%
Scraggy (Lv 32 - 35) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter25%
Patrat (Lv 2 - 4) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter50%
Lillipup (Lv 2 - 4) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter50%
Farfetch'd Swarm
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Route 1 Wild Pokemon Specials
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Audino (Lv 2 - 4) Walk (Special)
Walk (Special)
Spring Summer Fall Winter100%
You, Bianca and Cheren will enter Route 1 together and automatically meet up with Professor Juniper. She'll use her Minccino against a Patrat to demonstrate how to capture Pokemon, just in case this is your first time playing a Pokemon game. After that, she'll give you five Pokeballs and leave north; Cheren and Bianca will follow after Bianca proposes a contest to see who catches the most Pokemon. You can ignore this if you so choose, but this is your first opportunity to battle and catch wild Pokemon. Route 1 has two species: Patrat and Lillipup, both low-level Normal-types. In terms of in-game strength, Lillipup's line is more powerful than Patrat's, but you should catch at least one of them, and also train your Starter to Level 7 so that it learns its first STAB move: Vine Whip, Ember or Water Gun.
Route 1 is a completely straightforward path, so just follow the road; you can talk to the person in the tall grass to receive a free Potion. You'll find Cheren and Bianca at the entrance of Accumula Town; he'll note that they've each caught two Pokemon, while she asks if you can compare Pokemon, which you HAVE to answer with "yes" to proceed. Next, your Xtranceiver will ring and a fourway conversation, featuring facial animations, will occur with Professor Juniper on the Phone. After that, follow your friends into Accumula Town!
Accumula Town
Once you enter Town, head north and you'll find Juniper standing in front of the game's first Pokemon Center. Talk to her and she'll take you inside, where Bianca is also waiting, and she'll give you a tour of the new and improved Pokemon Center, including making you get your Pokemon healed from the Nurse; showing you the PC, where your extra Pokemon are stored; and pointing out the Mart, which is now found inside every Pokemon center to the right of the entrance. She notes that you'll meet the "Someone" who created the PC storage system eventually, also says to look for an inventor named Fennel in the next town. After she leaves, you can buy some Potions and Pokeballs at the Mart or follow her outside.
(As a side note, if you received the Liberty Pass or any other Mystery Gift item over Wi-Fi from the menu of the file screen, a postman will appear in this or any other Pokemon Center, and you can talk to him to receive the item in question. In the case of the Liberty Pass, this allows your character to go to Liberty Garden to get Victini later in the game.)
Once you go back outside, a crowd that includes Cheren will have gathered to your left. It turns out they've crowded around to see Team Plasma and their leader, Ghetsis, who will give a speech about the rights and liberation of Pokemon from humanity before leaving along with his followers. After this, the crowd will disperse and a mysterious stranger in a cap will approach you and Cheren. He'll introduce himself as N, make a few observations that are similar to Ghetsis's, and begin a battle against you.
Trainer Battle

Pokemon Level Type Moves
Purrloin Level 7 Dark Scratch
N has only one Pokemon: the Dark-type cat, Purrloin, who is Level 7. To defeat him, just keep the pressure on with your Starter's STAB move, as Purrloin doesn't have any tricks up its sleeve and will often waste time using Growl to lower your Attack stat. He'll run off after being defeated and you can resume exploring Accumula Town. If you climb up the stairs in front of you, you can see a nice little overhead view of Route 2 in the distance. The house up here just has a pianist and drummer; if you talk to them, their corresponding instruments will be added to the backing track. Head back to ground level and enter the second house to your left; on the upper floor, the guy next to the Patrat will give you a free Pokeball. The other NPCs in Accumula Town don't give you anything, so you can feel free to leave the same way that Ghetsis did to enter Route 2.
Route 2
Route 2 Wild Pokemon
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Patrat (Lv 4 - 7) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter40%
Lillipup (Lv 4 - 7) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter40%
Purrloin (Lv 4 - 5) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter20%
Wynaut Swarm
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Route 2 Wild Pokemon Specials
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Audino (Lv 4 - 7) Walk (Special)
Walk (Special)
Spring Summer Fall Winter100%
As the second Route of the game, Route 2 introduces a new wild Pokemon, the Dark-type kitten Purrloin that you just fought, and the game's first Trainer Battles. If for no other reason, you might want to catch Purrloin to add some diversity to your team. As you head west from the outpost, your Mom will call and then suddenly appear behind you to give you the Running Shoes, unfortunately explaining that you still need to hold B to use them, unlike in HeartGold and SoulSilver. After she leaves, follow the path to your left through the tall grass and pick up the Potion on the ground. After this, you'll have your first regular Trainer battle against a Youngster with a Patrat. Below him is an NPC who will demonstrate how to jump down from ledges, but don't bother.
Continue east from the Youngster to fight a Lass who has a Purrloin; next, head north through another patch of tall grass and you'll find another Youngster with a Lillipup when it ends. Go right from this Trainer and up the ledge to find the two item balls that you saw from the building in Accumula City: another Potion and a Pokeball. To the left of the second Youngster, you'll find the game's first Cut bush, which you can't remove yet, and a few ledges, so skip those. Before heading north, make sure your Pokemon are healed, as Bianca will come up from behind and challenge you to another battle already.
Bianca Battle
If you chose: Tepig | Oshawott | Snivy
Pokemon Level Type Moves
Lillipup Level 6 Normal Tackle
Snivy Level 7 Grass Tackle
Vine Whip
Bianca has already caught her second Pokemon, a Lillipup, and leveled up her Starter to learn its first STAB attack. However, she should be pretty easy to defeat if you've been doing some training on Route 2. Use Lillipup as an opportunity to train your weaker Pokemon and then send out your Starter against Bianca's. Your Starter will always resist the STAB attack of her's, and she will rarely use Tackle or her Defense-dropping move in this match. Your own STAB attacks will provide an easy victory but, if you haven't been training, just keep using Tackle instead. After the battle, Bianca will give you $700 and resume her training on Route 2. You are now free to continue north to Striaton City, which contains the game's first Gym!
Striaton City
As the game's first City, Striaton is the first place to have a Gym as well as crazy camera angles when you enter buildings. Talk to the man in the first building to your right and he'll give you a Great Ball, which has a better catch rate than the Pokeballs you've gotten so far. Back outside, take the narrow path between a building and some trees to the southwest and you'll find a small dead-end with an X-Speed on the ground; this will give a +1 stage Speed boost to your Pokemon in one battle. Wrap around the perimeter of the east building and you'll find a man in an alleyway who will give you a Dusk Ball, which has a higher success rate at night or in caves. Go north and you'll see the Pokemon Center in the middle of the street, so stop in and heal if necessary. To the far right of the Pokemon Center is a small area named the Dreamyard, so let's go in there for a moment.
Right now, you can't fully explore the Dreamyard because there's a Cut bush blocking the path. However, go right and defeat the Lass with two Purrloin and the Youngster who has two Patrat and a Lillipup. After these two trainers, you'll see a female NPC standing at the end of the path near some fences. Talk to her, answer "Yes" to her question, and she'll give you one of three Level 10 Pokemon, depending on your starter: Pansage, Pansear or Panpour.
Pansage and Simisage

If you chose Tepig as your Starter, the girl will give you the Grass-type monkey Pansage, who evolves into Simisage with the Leaf Stone. It is based on the wise monkey who represents the principle of "speak no evil."
Pansear and Simisear

If you chose Oshawott as your Starter, the girl will give you the Fire-type monkey Pansear, who evolves into Simisear with the Fire Stone. It is based on the wise monkey who represents the principle of "hear no evil."
Panpour and Simipour

If you chose Snivy as your Starter, the girl will give you the Water-type monkey Panpour, who evolves into Simipour with the Water Stone. It is based on the wise monkey who represents the principle of "see no evil."
Pansage, Pansear and Panpour have the exact same stat alignment, as do their evolutions, so the only differences between the three are their typing and the fact that they learn type-specific moves that the other two don't. While the monkeys are a bit too frail to use competitively, they do provide some early type coverage for your Starter, which will prove useful in two upcoming battles; their evolutions also have Attack, Special Attack and Speed that are around base 100, making them pretty useful for in-game purposes. Before leaving the Dreamyard, go through the fence and pick up the X Defend on the ground.
Back in Striaton City
On the far left of the Pokemon Center is a small flower garden. Hidden in some greent in the northeast corner here is a Balm Mushroom, an item with no purpose yet. If you try to take the northern exit, a man will block you from Route 3 until you get Striaton City's Badge; instead, go south to find another Great Ball on the ground, and then enter the building just left of the Pokemon Center. This is the Unova Region's Trainer School, where new players can research some of the basics of Pokemon battles, including status conditions. Talk to the brown-haired boy inside and answer his quiz about items that heal status conditions to receive a free Full Heal. More importantly, Cheren will be standing near the blackboard at the top of the screen; talk to him to begin your second battle against him.
Cheren Battle
If you chose: Snivy | Tepig | Oshawott
Pokemon Level Type Moves
Purrloin Level 8 Dark Scratch
Tepig Level 8 Fire Tackle
Tail Whip
Like Bianca, Cheren has a new Pokemon, a Purrloin like N's, and his Starter has learned its STAB attack. Unlike Bianca, however, he leads with this Starter, and its STAB attack beats your own Starter, so you'll probably want to begin the battle your elemental monkey, who will always have the advantage against Cheren's Starter. Cheren will still waste time using Leer or Tail Whip against your Pokemon, which is only helpful to him if he has Snivy, whose STAB attack is Physical. Stick to using your monkey's STAB attack or your Starter's Tackle against Cheren's Starter and your own Starter's STAB move against Purrloin. Do be wary of the latter's Assist attack, however, as it might randomly generate his Starter's STAB move. The Starter is also holding an Oran Berry. After defeating Cheren, he'll give you $800 and three Oran Berries, which restore 10 HP to a Pokemon.
Striaton City Gym
After you defeat Cheren in the Pokemon School, go to the building right of the Pokemon Center. A different character will be standing out here than before: Cilan, who is one of Striaton City's three Gym Leaders. In a new move for the series, Striaton City's Gym Leader is entirely dependent on your own Starter Pokemon and, like Cheren, he will always specialize in the type that beats it: the green-haired Cilan uses Grass, the red-haired Chili uses Fire, and the blue-haired Cress uses Water. Speak to Cilan and he'll take you into the Striaton City Gym, which resembles a cafe; once inside, a man named Clyde will offer to give you tips against the Gym Leader, just like in every other Generation, and he'll give you a Fresh Water, which restores 50 HP of one Pokemon. This man appears in every Gym in Unova, and he'll give you tips and a Fresh Water for each Gym.
The puzzle for the Striaton City Gym is a really simple one: each section of the Gym has a curtain with a specfic type symbol on it, and you have to step on the button representing the type that beats the one on the curtain. Therefore, to open the first curtain, only the Water button will work, at which point you can advance to fight the Gym's first underling Trainer: a Waiter who has a Level 11 Lillipup. To open the Water curtain, hit the Grass button and fight the Waitress who uses Level 10 Patrat and Purrloin. Finally, step on the Fire button to open the Grass curtain and advance to the Gym Leaders.
Striaton City Gym: Chili, Cilan and Cress
Chili Cilan Cress
Leader Pokemon Information Moves

All Three
Lillipup Level: 12
Type: Normal
Item: No Item
Ability: Vital Spirit
Work Up

Pansear Level: 14
Type: Fire
Item: No Item
Ability: Gluttony
Work Up

Pansage Level: 14
Type: Grass
Item: No Item
Ability: Gluttony
Vine Whip
Work Up

Panpour Level: 14
Type: Water
Item: No Item
Ability: Gluttony
Water Gun
Work Up
VS Cilan, Chili or Cress
Even though they are three different Trainers who specialize in three different types, Cilan, Chili and Cress use similar teams. They all lead with a Level 12 Lillipup who knows Bite, a Physical Dark-type move, as well as Work Up, a move that boosts both of the user's offensive stats. After Lillipup, they'll send in their main Pokemon, a Level 14 elemental monkey that corresponds to their type: Pansage for Cilan, Pansear for Chili and Panpour for Cress. Regardless of the monkey, it will know Work Up along with a STAB move: Pansage's Vine Whip, which is a Physical attack, and Pansear's Incinerate and Panpour's Water Gun, which are Special moves. If you chose Snivy and gave your Pokemon one of Cheren's Oran Berries, you should avoid Pansear's Incinerate attack, which will destroy the Berry.
As far as first Gym Battles go, Striaton Gym's is likely the easiest of the series because, regardless of which Starter you choose, the game essentially hands you a Pokemon, i.e. your elemental monkey, that will be strong against the first Gym Leader's type. Because they come with their own STAB move, they can brush off the opposing monkey's attack and nail them for big damage. However, even if you don't get your own monkey, the brothers almost always have each of their Pokemon use Work Up on the first turn, giving you a free hit. Your Starter should be able to take down Lillipup, but you'll either need to raise it to Level 15 or use a different Pokemon to get past the monkeys' boosted STAB attacks. Like many previous Gym Leaders, the brothers will use a Potion on their monkey when its health gets low.
When you beat Cilan, Chili or Cress, Cilan will give you $1680; TM83 - Work Up, a move that raises the user's Attack and Special Attack stats by one stage each; and the Trio Badge, which allows you to use Cut on the overworld and makes all Pokemon up to Level 20 obey you.

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