Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Walkthrough Pokemon Black English Version Part 2


Rescue Mission in the Dreamyard
Dreamyard Wild Pokemon
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Raticate (Lv 48) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Venomoth (Lv 48 - 50) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Ledian (Lv 49) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Ariados (Lv 49) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Kricketune (Lv 48 - 50) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Watchog (Lv 47) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter20%
Liepard (Lv 47) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter20%
Munna (Lv 48) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Patrat (Lv 8 - 11) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter40%
Purrloin (Lv 8 - 11) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter40%
Munna (Lv 8 - 10) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter20%
Dreamyard Wild Pokemon Specials
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Musharna (Lv 11) Walk (Special)
Walk (Special)
Spring Summer Fall Winter5%
Audino (Lv 8 - 11) Walk (Special)
Walk (Special)
Spring Summer Fall Winter95%
After you leave the Striaton City Gym, a woman in town will call you over and bring you to her house. She will introduce herself as Fennel, a friend of Professor Juniper, and ask that you receive some Dream Mist from a Munna within the Dreamyard. To get through the bush in the Dreamyard, she'll give you HM01 - Cut, which you can use on the overworld now that you've won the Trio Badge. Pokemon who can learn the move so far include Snivy, Oshawott, Patrat, Purrloin and the monkeys; Patrat would likely be the best choice so you don't waste a moveslot for Cut on a more useful Pokemon. Also up here is Amanita, who developed the Unova Region's PC storage system. Anyway, teach Cut to one of your Pokemon and cut through the bush in the Dreamyard after the Lass.
Before you enter the newly opened path, Bianca will come out of nowhere to tag along, since Fennel also asked her to help. After you enter the structure, you'll hear Munna's cry coming from within and Bianca will point you ahead to the Pokemon. As you approach the Pokemon, she'll retreat a bit until two Team Plasma Grunts will come up from behind her. They'll explain that they want the Dream Mist to control the minds of humans to make them release their Pokemon, and the male will actually start kicking poor defenseless Munna when she refuses to help. Since they're a couple of bullies, the male and female Plasma Grunts will challenge you to a battle next.
Trainer Battle

Plasma Grunt M
Pokemon Level Type Moves
Patrat Level 10 Normal Tackle
Trainer Battle

Plasma Grunt F
Pokemon Level Type Moves
Purrloin Level 10 Dark Scratch
However, each Grunt only has one Level 10 Pokemon: the male uses Patrat while the female has Purrloin. Since they have a single Pokemon weaker than any of the Striaton City Gym's, just brush them off with any of your STAB moves or take the opportunity to get some easy experience for your weakest Pokemon. After the Grunts are defeated, you'll receive $400 from each and the male Grunt will kick Munna again until Ghetsis will appear out of absolutely nowhere to scold them. And then he'll appear in two places at once before shifting to a third location, scaring the Grunts and causing them to run away. It turns out that a Musharna was causing the illusion of Ghetsis, as one will float out from the background just before Fennel enters to check on Munna. Musharna and Munna will leave behind an item that Fennel will take before leaving.
Before you leave yourself, take a look around. If you check the wild grass, you can find Patrat and Purrloin again, along with wild Munna, the first Psychic-type of the game. While Munna and her evolution Musharna are very slow, they do have pretty decent defensive stats and Special Attack, plus they can add another type to your team, so you might want to catch one. If you go to the left, you can find a Pokeball sitting in the tall grass. Otherwise, go to the northeast, through some tall grass, and you'll find a Parylz Heal, which is the item ball you saw through the little window near the X Speed earlier. Ascend the staircase for a Potion to the left and a Repel to the right, and then leave the Dreamyard.
Striaton City
Check back in on Fennel now that you've saved Munna and she'll give you the C-Gear, a very important new item that enables Wi-Fi and infrared connectivity, including trading, battling and exchanging Friend Codes and records with both online players and other nearby DS players. Fennel explains that the Game Sync allows her to collect save files from players all over the world and, using the dreams of a Pokemon, she can allow the player to access the Entralink sidequest later in the game.
A new interface for the item will appear on your touch screen, and you can check Fennel's PC for more information about the Entralink. Next, Amanita will give you the Pal Pad key item. As in previous games, the Pal Pad will store Friend Codes for online opponents, at which point you can trade or battle with them. Now that you have Cut, you can remove the small bush on Route 2 to find a Great Ball and a Super Potion; otherwise, enter Route 3 from the flower garden.
Route 3
Route 3 Wild Pokemon
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Patrat (Lv 10) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter20%
Lillipup (Lv 11) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Purrloin (Lv 11) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Pidove (Lv 10 - 13) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter40%
Blitzle (Lv 10 - 13) Walk (Double)
Walk (Double)
Spring Summer Fall Winter20%
Patrat (Lv 8) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter20%
Lillipup (Lv 9) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Purrloin (Lv 9) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Pidove (Lv 8 - 11) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter40%
Blitzle (Lv 8 - 11) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter20%
Volbeat Swarm
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Illumise Swarm
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Route 3 Wild Pokemon Specials
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Audino (Lv 8 - 11) Walk (Special)
Walk (Special)
Spring Summer Fall Winter100%
Immediately north of your position is Unova's Pokemon Daycare; as in previous Pokemon games, up to two Pokemon can be left here for the owners to raise for you and, if they're from compatible egg groups, they'll lay an egg. See the Breeding Guide for more information. Next door to the Daycare is a small schoolhouse that has a playground with several trainers. One is a Nursery Aide who has a Lillipup and a Munna; the other three are Preschoolers, one of whom is guarding the slide, who each have one of the elemental monkeys. An Ultra Ball is also hidden in their sandbox. If you need healing, you can speak to the teacher inside of the school to restore your team for free. You should do this because, after the Twins who use two Purrloin, Cheren will challenge you to yet another battle at Route 3's intersection!
Cheren Battle
If you chose: Snivy | Tepig | Oshawott
Pokemon Level Type Moves
Purrloin Level 12 Dark Scratch
Tepig Level 14 Fire Tackle
Tail Whip
Even though Cheren is challenging you to another battle, the members of his team have not changed since the Striaton Trainer School match, although their levels have increased. Like before, Cheren will lead with his Starter Pokemon, which still has a STAB move that is strong against your own. Use your elemental monkey or one of your other Pokemon to take out Cheren's Starter, which is also holding an Oran Berry to recover 10 HP. His Purrloin also has not changed; it can still use Assist to generate his Starter's STAB move as well. Use your strongest STAB moves to take it down quickly. Tepig players also have an advantage here if it has evolved into Pignite and learned Arm Thrust. Regardless, this is a pretty easy match and Cheren will give you $1200 when you defeat him.
After you defeat Cheren, two Team Plasma Grunts will run past you, with Bianca and a little girl in pursuit. Bianca explains that the Grunts have stolen the little girl's Pokemon, so Cheren decides that the two of you will help her and runs after them. If you try to go south, Bianca will stop you, so pick up the Super Potion in the tall grass. Before following Cheren, you might want to explore this patch of grass because there are two new Pokemon here: the Normal/Flying-type pigeon, Pidove, and the Electric-type zebra, Blitzle. Both of these Pokemon have decent final evolutions for in-game purposes, with Blitzle's evolution Zebstrika being the more useful, and they add some nice coverage to your team.
Wellspring Cave
Wellspring Cave Opening Wild Pokemon
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Roggenrola (Lv 10 - 13) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter50%
Woobat (Lv 10 - 13) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter50%
Wellspring Cave Opening Wild Pokemon Specials
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Drilbur (Lv 10 - 13) Walk (Special)
Walk (Special)
Spring Summer Fall Winter100%
Follow the path and you'll find Cheren at the entrance of the cave where the Plasma Grunts are hiding. Before entering yourself, go right from Cheren's location and you'll find a female Pokemon Breeder who uses Patrat, Pidove and Lillipup; after defeating her, she'll give you another Oran Berry. Grab the Repel just below her and then agree to enter the cave with Cheren. You'll face the two Plasma Grunts from earlier and, although it looks like it'd be a tag match, it's only you against a male Plasma Grunt's Level 12 Patrat. However, two more Grunts will enter to fight you and Cheren in a proper tag match with two more Level 12 Patrat. Between your Starter and Cheren's, you should have no problem winning. They'll rant again about how Pokemon suffer under the rule of Trainers, but return the girl's Pokemon, which Cheren will return to her.
Before heading out, follow the path around to get TM46 - Thief, a Dark-type move that causes minor damage and steals the target's hold item if the user isn't holding an item. A Full Heal is hidden just left of the TM. There are also several new Pokemon in Wellspring Cave:: the Psychic/Flying-type bat, Woobat, and the Rock-type pebble, Roggenrola; these two are Unova's Zubat and Geodude replacements. Roggenrola's third stage, Gigalith, has extremely high Attack and Defense, although it requires trading to evolve. If you can get one, Gigalith is extremely useful throughout the rest of the game. Woobat's evolution, Swoobat, is very fast but has little else to offer thanks to its low other stats, however.
Occasionally, you might see a random cloud of dust in this cave, as well as any future ones; if you walk over it, it will trigger a battle with a third Pokemon: the Ground-type mole, Drilbur, who evolves into the Ground/Steel-type Excadrill, which has good HP and Attack. As the first Pokemon of these types so far, they may be worth hunting down and catching. Sometimes, instead of a Drilbur, you might receive a Gem item, which is a one-time use hold item that boosts attacks of the corresponding type by 50%.
Back on Route 3
When you meet back up with Bianca and the little girl, the latter will give you three Heal Balls, which restore full health to a Pokemon after it is captured, as thanks for helping her. Continue south and you'll see a male School Kid with a Blitzle near an Antidote on the ground. Occasionally you can see a patch of tall grass shaking in this area; like with Drilbur, if you get into a wild battle while standing on such a patch, wild Audino will appear. It is a defensive Pokemon that doesn't evolve and isn't particularly useful for getting through the game, but it does give a lot of EXP points. Continue south and Cheren will point out that the grass in which he was just standing looks different from regular tall grass; it is in this kind of grass that you can engage in wild double battles. If you have only one healthy Pokemon, this does not occur.
Continue south and you'll fight a female School Kid who has a Woobat, which you might have seen in the cave earlier. After her, go left and you'll see a bridge over the water. Before crossing it, go down and around to get a free Great Ball sitting in the tall grass; then cross the bridge and fight another female School Kid who has a Patrat and a Purrloin. On the other side of the bridge, you'll find an Awakening laying on the ground; continue west to find the last Trainer, a male School Kid with a Pidove and a Roggenrola, before Route 3 terminates at Nacrene City, the home of the game's second Gym!
Nacrene City
Nacrene City, a home to artists, is a bit run-down, as the buildings are abandoned warehouses and there's a broken train track going along the lower part of the City. As you enter, Cheren will call you over and give you three Chesto Berries; these heal a Pokemon from its Sleep condition one time each and you might want to attach one to your strongest Pokemon right now to prepare for an upcoming battle. In the house right of the Pokemon Center, talk to the girl on the upper level. In White Version, she'll offer to trade her Cottonee for your Petilil; in Black Version, she'll make the opposite offer. This is actually an important in-game trade because, otherwise, Petilil does not appear in Black nor Cottonee in White!
In the house left of the Pokemon Center, you can buy battle items, such as X Attack, on the bottom floor. Next door, a blue-haired girl will ask whether you started with Snivy, Tepig or Oshawott and then give you one of three free items: Miracle Seed, Charcoal or Mystic Water. Feel free to lie to her face to get the item that you want, but it would be wise to take the Charcoal or the Mystic Water for now because you can get another Miracle Seed pretty soon. These are hold items that give a 20% boost to Grass-, Fire- or Water-type attacks, so you can throw the item onto your Starter or monkey for now. At the left side of the City's tracks is a hidden Revive.
North of the Pokemon Center is a cafe with an accordion player chilling outside; there's an Ultra Ball hidden to his right. On Wednesdays, you can also talk to the waitress inside to receive a Soda Pop, which restores 60 HP. To the right of this cafe is the Gym; however, as you try to enter it, N will emerge. First he'll ask if you agree with his philosophy about Pokemon, which might affect his opinion of you, and then he'll challenge you to a battle regardless of your response.
Trainer Battle

Pokemon Level Type Moves
Pidove Level 13 Normal/Flying Gust
Quick Attack
Tympole Level 13 Water Bubble
Timburr Level 13 Fighting Pound
Focus Energy
Low Kick
Although N has expanded his roster, including dropping his only Pokemon from the last battle, his Levels are pretty weak after all of the Trainer battles you should have had so far. If you caught Blitzle on Route 3, its STAB attacks will make short work of both the Water-type Tympole and the Normal/Flying-type Pidove. Pansage/Snivy and Pidove also have type advantages against Tympole and Timburr, respectively; if you don't have any of these Pokemon, just use your Starter and/or your strongest Pokemon's STAB moves. Even if you have type disadvantages, N's team is pretty weak for this point and you should pull out the win. N will slink off afterward while he mumbles some threats to befriend the Legendary Pokemon Zekrom (in Black) or Reshiram (in White) while mysterious music plays. Regardless, you can now enter Nacrene Gym.
Nacrene City Gym
Nacrene City's Gym actually doubles as a Museum, explaining the giant Dragonite fossil that you'll see as soon as you enter. Hawes, the assistant director, will show you a couple of the exhibitions, including another easter egg for older fans in the form of an Armaldo fossil, and bring you up the stairway and explain that his wife, Lenora, is the Gym Leader. Go through the doorway and into the Gym proper, where Clyde will give you another Fresh Water. The main section of Nacrene's Gym is a library, and you'll have to read some books to find the answers to the questions that the Gym underlings will ask. First, defeat the male School Kid's Patrat and he'll note that you should find the book "Nice to Meet You, Pokemon."
"Nice to Meet You, Pokemon" is found on the first bookshelf to your left. Inside a note from Lenora, who explains that you need to find four "memos" in the books here to reach her. She asks a question about the first Pokemon you fought in the Gym (Patrat) and explains that the answer is in another book here: it is on the middle-left shelf further up. The next book is about trains, and you'll have to fight the female Scientist in the back of the room to get the next memo; she has a Herdier, which is Lillipup's evolution. She'll move after the battle, allowing you to read the book on her shelf. Do so now.
Lenora's next memo is about cooking something in a pot, with the hint that the book is closer to the Gym's entrance, so check the book on the front-right shelf to discover it's a book about Poffins, including a nice reference to the Sinnoh Region. The last memo tries to confuse you, but the book is simply on the shelf behind your current position. Defeat the female School Kid's three Lillipup to uncover a secret passage downstairs. You'll emerge in a room with the Gym Leader: Lenora, the series' first black character. If necessary, you can go heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center without the Gym's puzzle being undone. When you're ready, talk to Lenora to begin the battle!
Nacrene City Gym: Lenora
Speciality: Normal
Pokemon Information Moves
Herdier Level: 18
Type: Normal
Item: No Item
Ability: Intimidate
Take Down
Watchog Level: 20
Type: Normal
Item: No Item
Ability: Illuminate
Lenora has two Pokemon: Lillipup's evolution Herdier, and Patrat's evolution Watchog. She leads with Herdier, which has Intimidate to lower the Attack of your leading Pokemon, and after that it will stick to using Retaliate, a 70 Power STAB move. It rarely uses Take Down, which inflicts recoil damage on itself. Both of Lenora's Pokemon know Leer to lower your Defense and a Dark-type move (Herdier's Bite and Watchog's Crunch) to deal with Ghost-types. While no Ghost-type is available in the wild yet, it does mean that Munna and Woobat are at a disadvantage here because they're weak against those moves. When it enters the field, Watchog usually uses Retaliate, which will be stronger on the first turn after Herdier fainted; it can also use Hypnosis, which is why you should have one of Cheren's Chesto Berries attached to your main battler.
Servine and Dewott will work fine in this match, but Pignite is especially at an advantage because it is a Fire/Fighting-type and learns Arm Thrust when it evolves from Tepig. Arm Thrust can make short work of both of Lenora's Pokemon. If you don't have a Fighting-type Pokemon, you can go west of Nacrene City and into the outer portion of Pinwheel Forest, where a girl will give you TM94 - Rock Smash, a Fighting-type attack. Three different Fighting-types also can be found here: Timburr, Throh and Sawk, and any of these will work well against Lenora's pair of Pokemon. Alternatively, Roggenrola would be effective because it resists most of Lenora's moves and has high Defense when her Pokemon only know Physical attacks. But, as Normal-type moves are not strong against any types, this means that most Pokemon (except the aforementioned Psychic-types) should work in this match.
When you defeat Lenora, you receive $2400; TM67 - Retaliate, a move that receives a 50% boost in power if used on the turn after a teammate had been knocked out; and the Basic Badge, which makes all Pokemon up to Level 30 obey you. However, after receiving your rewards, Hawes will come and warn Lenora of a problem up in the Museum. She'll rush upstairs, leaving you alone to follow her...

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