Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Walkthrough Pokemon Black English Version Part 4


Another Rival Battle
When you leave Burgh's Gym, Bianca will call you on the Xtransceiver and ask for a battle, saying that she'll meet you in the outpost between Castelia City and Route 4. For now, you can feel free to heal at the Pokemon Center if needed, and then go north of the Fountain area to reach the last street of Castelia, which has another pair of buildings. On the top floor of the right building, you can find a bunch of NPCs speaking different languages and a girl in the center of the room who will give you TM45 - Attract, which infatuates Pokemon of the opposite gender and provides a 50% chance that the target won't be able to attack. Across the street, you'll find Unova's Name Rater, who can give nicknames to Pokemon that you caught yourself. When you're done here, leave to the north to reach the outpost, where Bianca awaits to challenge you.
Bianca Battle
If you chose: Snivy | Tepig | Oshawott
Pokemon Level Type Moves
Herdier Level 18 Normal Odor Sleuth
Helping Hand
Take Down
Munna Level 18 Psychic Yawn
Pansear Level 18 Fire Lick
Fury Swipes
Dewott Level 20 Water Water Gun
Water Sport
Focus Energy
Razor Shell
Like many other Trainers, Bianca's team is weaker than the most recent Gym Leader's, making her easy to defeat. In fact, Bianca's Herdier is about on par with Aloe's; even though it does have Intimidate, it should present no difficulty to a Pokemon with a good STAB move, particularly any of the four Fighting-types. Munna is also very predictable at this point and goes down against any Dark or Bug-type moves. Bianca's team is starting to diversify, however, as she added the elemental monkey who is weak against her Starter and therefore strong against your own. Blitzle, Petilil or Cottonee and Snivy will make short work of Panpour and Dewott. Oshawott, Panpour, Roggenrola or Drilbur will do the same for Pignite and Pansear, while Servine and Pansage fall against Sewaddle, Venipede, Pidove, Tepig or Pansear. Bianca is not hard.
Route 4
Strangely, despite being so near a large city, Route 4 is a desert area with a permanent Sandstorm, which causes minor damage to almost every Pokemon at this point except Roggenrola and Drilbur's families as well as Tympole's evolution Palpitoad. Immediately ahead of you, you'll notice Cheren waiting around to battle again because we can't go for more than two seconds without another required Rival battle, can we? Let's see what's new with his team.
Cheren Battle
If you chose: Snivy | Tepig | Oshawott
Pokemon Level Type Moves
Pidove Level 20 Normal/Flying Leer
Quick Attack
Air Cutter
Reparudasu Level 20 Dark Sand-Attack
Fury Swipes
Pansage Level 20 Grass Vine Whip
Fury Swipes
Leech Seed
Pignite Level 22 Fire/Fighting Defense Curl
Flame Charge
Arm Thrust
Cheren's team is slightly stronger than Bianca's, but he's still only about on par with Burgh in levels. He'll lead with Pidove, which Roggenrola, Blitzle or Pignite's Rollout can easily destroy. His Purrloin also has evolved, becoming Reparudasu, an underwhelming Dark-type that only has weak attacks like Pursuit and Fury Swipes. Take it down with your Fighting- or Bug-types or your strongest STAB moves. Like Bianca, Cheren has added the elemental monkey weak against his Starter, meaning that you guys now have all three monkeys between you. As always, Cheren's Starter, who is holding an Sitrus Berry, is strong against your own but weak against the elemental monkey that you received in the Dreamyard. Stick to the same type matchups that you used against Bianca's monkey and/or Starter to take these down. Like Bianca, Cheren is not difficult.
Route 4 Wild Pokemon
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Sandile (Lv 15 - 18) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter40%
Darumaka (Lv 15 - 18) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter40%
Scraggy (Lv 16 - 17) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter20%
Hippopotas Swarm
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Route 4 Wild Pokemon Specials
Pokemon Method Season Rate
No Pokemon available
Since Route 4 has a partial road, you won't get into any wild battles on the pavement, but they do occur in the sand. Three new Pokemon appear: the Dark/Ground-type crocodile Sandile, the Dark/Fighting-type lizard Scraggy and the Fire-type baboon Darumaka. Sandile and Scraggy are the game's first two Dark-types and either is a decent choice for their unique type combinations. If you didn't start with Tepig, Darumaka is likely the best Fire-type in the game, and is worlds better than Pansear, so you might want to grab one. To progress to Nimbasa City, just go straight past where Cheren was standing.
Before going straight, there's a couple of items and Trainers on the left side, so grab the X Accuracy next to the Hiker near Cheren and go west until finding a descending staircase. It leads to a Fisherman with two Basculin and another with four Basculin, so defeat them, go back upstairs and continue north from the stairway. You'll come up to a building under construction; a Parasol Lady with two Tympole stands in the opening of the gate. West of her is a Great Ball on the ground; a hidden Ultra Ball is on the far right of the perimeter, and a Hyper Potion is sitting to her northeast. Further within the structure are a Miner with two Roggenrola and a Timburr, another with one Timburr, and TM41 - Torment, which prevents the target from using the same move in consecutive turns. A hidden Ether is on a small ledge northwest of the second Miner, while a secret Burn Heal is near a traffic cone to his left. Now return to where you fought Cheren.
In the northwest is a resthouse where you can have your Pokemon healed. Otherwise, continue north along the main road to reach more sand. Just ahead are a male Backpacker with a Darumaka, a Burn Heal behind him, a female Backpacker with a Cottonee and an Ether to her left. Beyond her are another female Backpacker with a Petilil, a Super Potion, and a male Backpacker with a Blitzle. At this point, the path splits, and the northern road, which has a male Backpacker with a Pidove, leads to Nimbasa City. The other road leads to the Desert Resort, which is an optional area right now but has some new Pokemon and Trainers. The left road has two Miners, one with a Roggenrola and a Timburr and the second with a Timburr, and a resthouse in which somebody will give you TM28 - Dig, a Ground-type move that works well in-game because the AI is dumb.
Desert Resort and Relic Castle
Desert Resort Entrance Wild Pokemon
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Sandile (Lv 19 - 22) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter40%
Darumaka (Lv 19 - 20) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter30%
Maractus (Lv 20) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Dwebble (Lv 20 - 22) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Scraggy (Lv 20) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Desert Resort Entrance Wild Pokemon Specials
Pokemon Method Season Rate
No Pokemon available
Although an optional area right now, Desert Resort should be visited because it leads to Relic Castle, where you get one of the Unova Region's Fossils. Take the left path at Route 4's fork and go through the outpost to reach the Desert Resort. Like on Route 4, you'll run into wild encounters in the sand, against most of the same Pokemon from Route 4. New faces include Maractus, a Grass-type cactus; Dwebble, the Bug/Rock-type hermit crab that Burgh used; and Sigilyph, a Psychic/Flying-type bird with Native American influences. The MVP of these three Pokemon is Sigilyph, as it has high Special Attack, Speed and learns great moves for getting through the game. The following area is wide open and will be covered in a clockwise fashion.
Desert Resort Wild Pokemon
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Sandile (Lv 19 - 22) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter40%
Darumaka (Lv 19 - 20) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter30%
Maractus (Lv 20) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Dwebble (Lv 20 - 22) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Sigilyph (Lv 20) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter10%
Darmanitan (Lv 35) Unique
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Desert Resort Wild Pokemon Specials
Pokemon Method Season Rate
No Pokemon available
Just above the entrance is an optional Doctor with a Solosis; if you beat him, you can speak to him to get your team healed, much like the Nurse just outside of the Pinwheel Forest. To his east is a male Backpacker on an elevated mount of sand; he uses the evolved form of Pidove, Tranquill. Far to his southwest is a male Psychic with a Solosis and a Woobat, and there is a Rare Candy hidden in the sand to the Psychic's southeast. Immediately west of the Psychic is a small indenation with a Fire Stone on the ground, so grab it and go north. You'll find a female Pokemon Ranger with a Ducklett and she'll give you a Rawst Berry after defeating her. A Stardust is hidden in the alcove just beyond her, and another is sitting on the ground to her northeast, so grab those and go through the passage to her left.
After the passage, you'll see a male Pokemon Ranger who uses Darumaka and Blitzle; like his female counterpart before, he'll give you a Pecha Berry for winning. South of him, below some rock structures, you'll find TM39 - Rock Tomb, a Physical Rock-type attack with mediocre power that lowers the target's Speed after every use. Continuing north from the two Pokemon Rangers, you'll find another male Psychic who uses the Ghost-type Yamask and a Munna. From the Psychic, a piece of Relic Castle is poking out in the northwest corner of the screen; there's an Ether hidden in the sand immediately right of this structure, and a Heart Scale sitting just left of the castle entrance. This entrance doesn't lead anywhere, so don't bother going inside. Resume going east from here.
On a sand mound east of the Castle entrance is a Super Potion in plain sight and a female Backpacker with the cactus Maractus. Right of her are some Darmanitan statues and the entrance of Relic Castle that we're concerned with right now. However, before going in, there's more Trainers and items outside. Just below the entrance is a Fresh Water on the ground and a female Psychic who uses a Gochimu. Further below her is another male Backpacker, this one with a Dwebble, and to his right are Blackglasses, a hold item that gives a 20% boost to the power of Dark-type attacks, and another female Backpacker with a Watchog. Talk to the man in black above her to receive Soft Sand, which works like Darkglasses for Ground-type moves; there's also a Hyper Potion hidden in the northeast corner of the screen, so grab that and enter Relic Castle from the entrance with the statues.
Relic Castle
Relic Castle 1F and B1 Wild Pokemon
Pokemon Method Season Rate
Sandile (Lv 19 - 22) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter50%
Yamask (Lv 19 - 22) Walk
Spring Summer Fall Winter50%
Relic Castle 1F and B1 Wild Pokemon Specials
Pokemon Method Season Rate
No Pokemon available
Relic Castle will actually become a major sidequest at the end of the game, but since only two floors are accessible right now, we're only here for a few items, including a Fossil. The first Ghost-type of the game, Yamask, appears here; its evolution, Cofagrigus, is a slow sarcophagus with low HP and Attack but high Defenses and decent Special Attack. There are two Trainers in here: a male Psychic with a Sigilyph and a female with Woobat and Munna. Walk (don't run) around the edges of the left sinkhole to reach the blonde girl on the other side; when you talk to her, she'll offer one of the Fossils that she found in the Desert.
The Lid Fossil revives Tirtouga, a Water/Rock-type turtle who evolves into Carracosta, which has good Attack and Defense but horrible Speed. The Wing Fossil revives Archen, a Rock/Flying-type archeopteryx who evolves into Archeops, who has great Attack and Special Attack, as well as the highest stat total of any Fossil Pokemon, at the expense of having an ability that halves its offensive stats when its health falls below 50%. In other words, the two Fossil families play opposite roles in battle: one is a tank, while the other is a glass cannon. These Fossils can be resurrected at the Museum in Nacrene City. If you fall through one of the sinkholes, check the top of the left pile of sand to find an Ether, and then grab the Revive on the ground before heading back upstairs and leaving the Relic Castle and the Desert Resort. Resume to Nimbasa City via Route 4.
Nimbasa City
When you enter Route 4's outpost, Cheren and Juniper will be waiting. The Professor will give you both ten Ultra Balls, which have a better success rate than other Balls up to this point, and they'll both leave with Cheren going back to catch Pokemon on Route 4. While not as quite as big as Castelia, Nimbasa City is decently sized and has plenty of its own attractions to see. As you go up the path, you'll see two Team Plasma Grunts confronting an older man, who rushes over to ask for your help. One of the Plasma Grunts will challenge you with two Level 18 Pokemon: a Watchog and Trubbish, the Poison-type garbage bag that the janitor in Castelia City used. Both are underleveled, so knock them out to make the Plasmas flee. The old man, who runs the Daycare on Route 3, will reward you with the Bicycle. Like in all Pokemon games, this is a key item that lets you move faster on the overworld.
After he leaves, Bianca will come and mention some of the City's attractions, particularly the Pokemon Musical hall, which she goes to see. Immediately west is the Pokemon Center, which is also selling some decent TMs like Return and Thunder Wave. On the way you'll see the Battle Subway, which is akin to this game's Battle Tower. If you try to enter, a girl will come out and give you the Vs. Recorder key item, which can record and replay battles like in the Generation IV games. Talk to the man on the upper floor of the building above the Pokemon Center to receive a Sun Stone, which can evolve Cottonee or Petilil. Next door, talk to the blue-haired guy to receive HM04 - Strength, which moves small boulders on the overworld and is a decent Normal-type attack in battles. If your lead Pokemon is really happy, the older woman will give you a Soothe Bell, a hold item that increases a Pokemon's happiness faster than normal.
In the northeast section of this area, you'll see Bianca standing in the entrance of the Pokemon Musical hall; or, if you try to leave Nimbasa City from the northwest exit, she'll come and drag you into the Hall. Either way, once inside, a man will give you a Goods Case, at which point you can put some accessories on your Pokemon using the stylus. After Bianca leaves, talk to the girl near the vending machine to receive TM49 - Echo Voice, a move that increases in power with consecutive usage, and then follow Bianca out. Her father will be confronting her for travelling with Pokemon, even though Bianca explains that they've given her perspective about what to do with her life. Elesa, the Nimbasa City Gym Leader, will interject and help convince Bianca's father to let her continue her journey, at which point he'll return home and Elesa will return to her Gym.
West of the Pokemon Musical Hall are Big Stadium on the right and Little Court on the left. These are a couple of buildings in which NPCs will play baseball or basketball in the Big Stadium and tennis or football/soccer in Little Court. When games aren't in session, you can step on the warp pad to enter the field. Since you can't play with them, the only real thing to do in these buildings is battle one Trainer per sport, who will only appear when the sports in question are being played in the Stadiums, which change based on the day of the week. In Little Court are a Tennis player with a Blitzle and a Soccer Player with a Ducklett, and in Big Stadium you can find a Baseballer using the three monkeys and a Bastketball Player who uses Whirlipede.
Go east from where you fought the Plasma Grunt and into a different section of Nimbasa City. To the far right is N, standing in the middle of the fairgrounds, and he'll note that Team Plasma went to his right. He'll make you follow him to the ferris wheel, at which point he'll make you get on with him so you can look for Plasma from above. While you're riding, he'll share his philosophy about Pokemon, noting that he's now working with Ghetsis as a leader of Team Plasma. When you get off, he'll ask you again if you agree with his point of view. Like before, your answer may slightly effect the events of the game. Regardless of your answer, N will challenge you to a battle.
Trainer Battle

Pokemon Level Type Moves
Sandile Level 22 Dark/Ground Sand Tomb
Darumaka Level 22 Fire Headbutt
Fire Punch
Scraggy Level 22 Dark/Fighting Faint Attack
Brick Break
Sigilyph Level 22 Psychic/Flying Tailwind
Air Cutter
Like before, N has abandoned all of the members of his previous team and, also like before, his new team consists of the wild Pokemon from the nearest area to your current location: Route 4 and the Desert Resort. If you battled the wild Pokemon in either of these areas, you should be familiar with all of these Pokemon by this point. To refresh, any of the Starters is strong against Sandile; Water-, Ground- or Rock-types beat Darumaka; and Pignite, Pidove or your best STAB moves can take down Scraggy. As before, Sigilyph has high Special and Speed, as well as good STAB moves, but falls against Roggenrola, Blitzle or any other Pokemon with Electric-, Dark- or Rock-type moves. N's roster doesn't have any unexpected surprises compared to Route 4's Pokemon, so you'll be fine as long as you heal at the Pokemon Center first.
There's nothing else at the ferris wheel until after the Elite Four but, before leaving the area, check the southeast corner for a hidden Super Repel; in the southwest corner is an X Accuracy in plain sight. Just left of the ferris wheel is Nimbasa City Gym, which you can now enter and challenge.
Nimbasa City Gym
As with the previous Gyms, you can speak to the guy who gives you tips to receive a free Fresh Water. Unlike most Gyms in recent Pokemon games, Nimbasa City's Gym is actually pretty straightforward: you have to ride a rollercoaster around to get to Elesa, but a puzzle is barely present. Wait until a car pulls up to the dock ahead and hop on. (Ignore the dock on the far left because its car is on a closed loop and you'll just go around in a circle.) Push down when it reaches a different dock to exit. You should be near a Lady who has two Emolga; defeat her and press the button near her to change the circuit of the nearby car. After riding the new circuit to the next dock, get off and battle the Rich Boy's Blitzle to reach the next button. Hit it to light up a yellow track.
The last two Trainers of the Gym actually will be riding the cars on the track and will come out to battle you when you try to enter the shuttle. The first of these is another Rich Boy who uses two Blitzle; he is riding the shuttle on the yellow track, so beat him and board his car to continue. The yellow track includes a steep incline that will shoot your shuttle downhill to the next dock, so get off here and hit the button on the right to activate the orange track. Like before, when you try to board the next car, a Rich Girl will come out and fight you with her Emolga. Beat her and get on board; after a loop-de-loop, exit the shuttle to reach Elesa. If you need to heal before fighting her, hit the red switch to the left and ride the car back to the start of the Gym. Unfortunately, the game doesn't let you use this circuit to get back to her after healing. Talk to her to begin.
Nimbasa City Gym: Elesa
Speciality: Electric
Pokemon Information Moves
Emolga Level: 25
Type: Electric/Flying
Item: No Item
Ability: Static
Quick Attack
Volt Switch
Aerial Ace
Emolga Level: 25
Type: Electric/Flying
Item: No Item
Ability: Static
Quick Attack
Volt Switch
Aerial Ace
Zebstrika Level: 27
Type: Electric
Item: No Item
Ability: Lightning Rod
Quick Attack
Volt Switch
Flame Charge
Elesa is easily the hardest Gym Leader up to this point. She leads with Emolga, the Electric/Flying-type flying squirrel who serves as Unova's Pikachu archetype, and she has a second one in reserves. Both Emolga function exactly the same: they have Quick Attack and Pursuit to pick off any weakened opponents or ones who try to switch out, and they have two decent STAB moves in Aerial Ace, which never misses, and Volt Switch, which forces Emolga to switch out after use, exactly like U-Turn from Generation IV. Since Elesa's Emolga also both have the Static ability, and nobody in the game has given you Cheri Berries yet, you'll have to rely on Parlyz Heal or Full Heal to remove this status if you use physical moves and it triggers. Elesa's main Pokemon is Blitzle's evolution Zebstrika; it knows Volt Switch and Quick Attack like Emolga, but can also use Spark and Flame Charge to hit for Physical damage, with the latter providing some type coverage.
Elesa is more tricky than the previous Gym Leaders because all of the Starters and monkeys are weak against her moves. Dewott and Panpour are obviously disadvantaged here, but the others are weak against Aerial Ace, and Zebstrika's Flame Charge also beats Grass-types. Although Emolga is pretty fragile and can't stand up to repeated STAB moves, it's immune to Electric's biggest weakness and, since no Ice-type moves are available yet, a Pokemon that learned Rock Tomb from the TM, or Roggenrola's Rock Blast, are your best shots. As Zebstrika is a pure Electric, you can teach Dig to your best Physical attacker and use the move to take the rather frail zebra down. Don't use your own Electric-type moves against Zebstrika or else Lightning Rod will nullify the damage while boosting its Special Attack. Roggenrola, Drilbur, Sandile or Palpitoad are all handy in this match, either for having moves that beat Elesa's Pokemon or types that resist her own moves.
When you defeat Elesa, you'll receive $3240; TM72 - Volt Switch, a Special Electric-type attack with decent damage that causes the user to switch out after use; and the Bolt Badge, which makes all Pokemon up to Level 50 obey you and allows you to use HM04 - Strength on the overworld to move small boulders.

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